LESA Supports Local Day Care for Children with Vital Donations

The LESA team has committed themselves to support with Shalom Tabernacle Day Care, a nursery school situated in Zandspruit, Johannesburg. Since its establishment in 2014, Shalom Tabernacle Day Care has been committed to caring for the children of their church congregation. However, recognizing the growing need within the broader Zandspruit community, they expanded their services to welcome children from the entire area. Ensuring the safety, wellbeing, and education of these children has always been a priority for the center.

While Shalom church primarily focuses on worship and congregation, their association with the nursery school has given them a unique opportunity to positively impact the community by providing early childhood education. Yet, situated in an informal settlement, the nursery school faces several challenges, including limited access to essential resources like electricity. Despite these obstacles, the importance of education for the children motivated LESA to step up and make a difference.

In a magnificent display of compassion, the LESA champions spent quality time engaging with the children at Shalom Tabernacle Day Care, providing them with vital resources. These included a gas heater, a 4-pot gas stove, 12 children’s tables, 12 children’s chairs, and 15 cozy fleece blankets. As a team, LESA is immensely proud to contribute to this significant cause.

The Shalom Tabernacle Day Care Team warmly expressed their gratitude to LESA for their generous gesture. The contributions from LESA will undoubtedly enhance the lives of the children at Shalom, making their daily experiences more comfortable and enjoyable.

LESAs unwavering commitment to supporting Shalom Tabernacle Day Care shows their dedication to empowering children in the Zandspruit community. By providing crucial resources and fostering a nurturing environment, LESA and Shalom Tabernacle Day Care are forging a brighter future for these young minds.

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