In a globally competitive market place, becoming a Lucy Electric value added partner is a channel to commercial success. Our aim at Lucy Electric is to ensure that your company realises the potential commercial advantages and to build a lasting partnership.
Our licensed solutions department offer a wide range of support and expertise, enabling your company to manufacture Lucy Electric products under license. We will support you every step of the way, from selecting products to providing training to suit your business plan.
How we can help
Together we will translate intelligent solutions into secondary electrical distribution products that will exceed your customer’s expectations.
Our approach is to work collaboratively with you, tailoring our partnership options to suit the needs of your business plan and manufacturing facilities.
From initial start up, our expert guidance and flexible approach ensures a seamless staged progression of localisation as you become more familiar with our extensive product range.

Meeting your needs
Your company will have access to the Lucy Electric portfolio of established products. Click here to browse our full range of products.
Easy start up
To enable initial market penetration, product familiarisation and end customer approval, the start up stage allows your company to brand products with little capital expenditure.
Stage progression
As your company becomes more familiar with Lucy Electric products, we will support you when it comes to localisation of components and assemblies, enabling you to benefit from local government incentives.
Lucy Electric items will be supplied as fully specified kits. However, most of the kit items can be adapted to meet local requirements.