After the success of the John Hampden school Bug Hotel project, news of Lucy Electric Thames expertise in Bug Hotel building has spread far and wide. The site was approached by another local primary school, Barley Hill, to ask if they could also have a bug hotel for their forest school. The site was more than happy to oblige pre-building a frame on the shop floor and soldering a plaque specially for the day. Five volunteers from Lucy Electric went to the school to help which were also joined by four children who are part of the schools environmental group. The children were delighted to be allowed out of class to help fill up the bug hotel with straw and bamboo to ensure that when the bugs move in, they would be really snug!

The day provided a fantastic learning opportunity engaging the children in physical activities whilst also learning about the importance of biodiversity for the environment from their teacher. A few facts they learned included that insects form a key base in the food web, feeding birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians and mammals. Called 6 legged lifesavers by some, insects not only provide food, but they also keep harmful organisms in check. A ladybug may eat as many as a thousand aphids during its larval development, plus several hundred more while it’s an adult and is producing its eggs.

This small project was great fun for our Lucy Electric team who were delighted to see the enthusiasm of the children and enjoyed supporting the school and local environment.